We believe that the Bible is absolutely true.
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We are a Reformed, Evangelical church in Huntsville, AL that exists to honor God, love one another, and serve our city.
We strive for worship that is reverent, vibrant, and joyful. Each week in worship we confess our sin, sing Psalms and hymns, pray, listen to the sermon, and receive communion. Our members love engaging each other both before and after worship, and we participate in one another’s lives during the week. We “seek the peace and prosperity of the city” (Jer. 29:7) where God has placed us by engaging in and supporting various ministries.
We are a member of the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches (CREC). To find out more about the denomination
Why Virtual Worship is no Substitute for In-Person Worship
American Christians of recent vintage are eager to live as if the fourth commandment no longer applies—adopting a Lord’s Day theology revolving around the question of how much activity Christians can get away with on any given Sunday. This has become the enabling doctrine for the notion that virtual worship is a sufficient substitute for in-person worship.
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These parishes serve the body in a couple of ways. First, they give a natural connection to members who live close to one another (Proverbs 27:10). Secondly, they provide members with the spiritual oversight of an elder (Hebrews 13:17-18). Each parish also has a “Parish Leader” who work under parish elder to help organize events and provide encouragement. Creating parishes simplifies the call to bless and serve one another while giving all members the pastoral care they need.
This is not to discourage gathering with those outside your parish – we rejoice in the opportunity to gather with saints both far and near. Parishes give added opportunities to build relationships and receive encouragement from nearby members. When our church was small, we might have a Friday night hymn sing at someone’s home or a picnic at a park after church. The entire church was invited. We are now too large for the whole church to gather at one home or a park. So those types of fellowship events are organized according to parishes. It should be noted that a parish is different from the typical midweek, small group, home meeting that is popular in churches today. There is no weekly gathering of the parish. Rather, it is an organizational tool to facilitate fellowship events and provide the personal accountability of an elder.